Indian head massage

Yesterday I indulged in an Indian head massage treatment in Silves. Sarah asked me to sit down on a chair with my top´s straps down and to incline forward so she could adress my upper back. She used a luxurious Indian oil in wich I immediately recognized the loved smell of coconut.
She then worked up towards my neck and head. Massaging and rubbing the head, pulling on the hair close to its roots, stroking the face and neck, Sarah also pulled my ears:)
Afterwards I felt refreshed, relaxed and my (a little stiff) neck had more mobility. It felt like an authentic head massage. Sitting upright, is how head massages, or "Champi" are given in India, where head massage is often part of daily life and has existed for thousands of years.
If you are located in the Silves area (up to 30 km around Silves) and would like to try Sarahs Indian head massage or know more about her work as a professional Bowen therapist, read about her here or contact us to make an appointment!

You may consider a head massage if you get tension around the head, manifesting through headaches or just that heavy feeling on the head. If your hair could use some vigor, massaging the head is a great way to improve growth and shine by increasing circulation (in this case, you should massage your head on a regular basis), your facial muscles become relaxter and your skin glowy.
Head massages are convenient, as you don´t need to undress and they can be done any where. If you truly want to relax whilst receiving one, it is possible to use a massage table instead of a sitting position and the use of oil to feed skin and hair and to allow motion of the fingers on the skin.
You may also book an Indian head massage in the West Algarve, if you´re located in the region between Sagres & Lagos, with me. I offer this treat which you may integrate into any event (treatments are short, so quite a few can be given in a row), have as part of a full body massage, or as a separate treatment for you. See you, Indah